Thursday, 22 May 2014

York Steiner school

Today, myself and my friend Emily went to an enquiry day at a Steiner school in York. We went with open minds not knowing what to expect after having heard several reviews. So as well as going to form our own opinions, we also went for a relaxing day out!

The school was actually amazing, all the staff were extreme polite, and all the children were pleasant and friendly! After visiting the school, and seeing the beautiful decor, views of teaching/education and a lot of work from the talented children, I'm 95% sure after my degree I want to teach in a Steiner school. 85% better than mainstream schools!! 

After visiting the Steiner school we spent the day in York, had lunch and met an amazing little family visiting England from Texas. They were so friendly and polite and wished us well with our career and life ambitions (cuties)! They were also VERY happy people, which was a little bright spark to the dull and rainy day! 

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