Sunday, 19 January 2014

Liebster Award 2014!

Super excited that i've been nominated for my first Liebster award by three bloggers!

A Liebster award is a blog award, given to the best blog is a certain category e.g. beauty, craft, cooking. Anyone can be nominated and it basically makes the blog popular if the person wins as long as that blogger has under 200 followers!

I was lucky enough to be nominated by Jenna , Mel and Laura both with wonderful blogs!

The rules:
Link the blog that nominated you for the award
Choose 11 bloggers to nominate who have less than 200 followers
Answer the 11 questions given to you
Let the people you have nominated know that you have done so
You can't nominate the person that nominated you
Create 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer

Laura's Questions

1. What would you do if you only had one hour left to live?
I literally don't even know how to answer this, thought about it for a while but I guess there is no original, correct answer right?

2. What's your favorite makeup brand?
100% has to be Benefit!

3. Favorite clothing store?

4. Where's your favourite place in the world?

5. Which season do you love the most?

6. Which season's clothes do you love the most?

7. What's your dream job?
Teaching, but i'm already gaining that degree :D

8. If you could tell your past self anything, what would it be?
Definitely to be more careful who you let in to your life and who you trust! 85% of the people I know, I would not trust as far as I could throw (relating to friends and definitely boys).

9. What's your perfect date?
This would have to be a recreation of Andy and Louise's pizza making date from Made in Chelsea!

10. You have a $1000 shopping spree. What would you buy?
most of urban outfitters and topshop's stock!

11. Who's your celebrity fashion icon?
I personally do not follow fashion or celebrity clothing styles. I prefer to just pick something I like in a store and wear it how I please.

Jenna's Questions

What is your favourite type of post to read and write?
Beauty bloggers!

What is your favourite thing to do on a weekend?
Recently my weekends consist of resting up from placement or spending it doing assignments!

Do you prefer Horror or Comedy films?
comedy, too wimpy to to watch horror films.

If you would live anywhere in the world where would it be?
New York, or London

What is your favourite drugstore makeup brand?
Rimmel London

What is a really good dupe you know of?
I'm not sure what a dupe is?

If you had to choose would it be foundation or mascara?
Foundation, unless I was allowed to wear concealer with mascara!

What is your favourite TV show?
Pretty Little liars

What is that one song you keep listening to lately?
Sweather weather, but Kina Grannis' version 

Do you apply your makeup with a brush, sponge or hands?
hands for foundation, but blush and concealer with a brush

Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down?
Down, my ears get cold way to easily

Mel's Questions

1. What are your 3 best features?
I like my eyes, but thats about it!
2. When was the last time you did something you shouldn't have?
I spend a lot of my student loan online when I should be saving

3. Summer or Winter?

4. Who was the first band/artist you saw live or, if you haven't seen anyone, who would you like to see live?
I haven't seen people I actually like, I seen a few singers from like Xfactor and stuff at a few random things like christmas light turn ons, but no real famous people. I would love to see Taylor Swift live!

5. Favourite brand for shoes?
Vivienne Westwood, Melissa

6. What was the first album you ever bought?
I think it was Demi Lovato

7. When (assuming you do) did you start wearing make up?
probably around year 10/11

8. What is your TV guilty pleasure?

9. Who is your favourite actor/actress?
Johnny Depp!!!

10. Do you prefer drugstore or high end make up?
High End

11. Dress up or dress down?
Dress up

People I am Nominating:

Questions for my nominations: 
1. What's your favourite pass time?
2. Your current place or work study? 
3. Favourite make up brand and why?
4. Nail polish or bare nails?
5. Favourite pattern e.g floral, animal print
6. Your favourite animal and why?
7. Do you have any pets and what?
8. Where do you live (e.g flat, apartment, house, not the address!)
9. Decor cushions on bed or off when sleeping?
10. Cats or dogs?
11. Favourite memory?


  1. thankyou so much for nominating me but do you have the questions that we need to answer?xxx

  2. Oops! Oh yeah! Hang on, I'll edit it now :) xx

  3. Thank you so much!
